Retirees in France worst hit by mutuelle fee rises Rates for individual policies have risen 25% in the past three years - try these tips to cut costs
GPs and specialists: List of new fees starting December 2024 in France Fees will rise for consultations, firstly later this month, and again in July 2025
French health minister proposes lower reimbursement of medicine Patients (or their top-up insurance) will need to pay more if the proposal goes ahead
practical Do self-employed people have to take out mutuelle health insurance? The cost of mutuelle health insurance varies according to age and level of cover, but can be around €1,000 or more per year.
Patient reimbursement to end at French dental centres amid fraud claim Irregularities noted at 10 sites include false invoices for crowns, invoices submitted twice and procedures carried out despite being deemed unnecessary
French minister denies plans for income-linked healthcare The economy minister said comments that well-off people would need to ‘contribute more’ had been misreported
New way to check if your French top-up health insurance cost is fair French consumer group launches comparator based on profile saying it should be easier for people to compare plans and save money
France residents in better health than other countries, study shows The report found that France has particularly improved on life expectancy since 1990
Five tips to reduce cost of your top-up health insurance in France With premiums set to rise in 2024 it makes sense to shop around
How to get a free pair of glasses in France Opticians must recommend at least one free pair under the French 100 Santé scheme
Are more people dropping top-up health cover in France as prices rise? The number of people in France without a ‘mutuelle’ health insurance policy is reported to be rising again
Top-up health insurance firms confirm big price rises in France Contracts for individuals could rise by as much as 7%, and almost 10% for groups, a new report has found
Claiming free or cheaper top-up French health insurance to get easier Households claiming certain other benefits will be presumed to have entitlement to ‘Complémentaire santé solidaire’ - we list the four linked benefits
Top-up health insurance increasingly expensive for over-60s in France The cost varies significantly depending on where you live, a new study finds Five practical articles from France you may have missed Why did UK and EU retirees in France get back CSS health top-up? What is France’s ‘franchise médicale’ fee and why might it go up soon?
Can a French doctor refuse to take on a new patient? Doctors can refuse to treat patients for personal or professional reasons, but not for discriminatory ones France begins rolling out free health check-ups for key age groups Top French consumer association offers group health insurance deal How do Americans in France register for public health insurance? Can visitors to France have a mutuelle top-up policy? Social security fraud hits record €315m in France
Which type of French top-up health insurance pays out the most? Mutuelles are not the only form of health cover available - we explore the three kinds of provider
Reimbursement rules for Covid tests in France change from March 1 The full cost of tests is now only covered by the social security system for certain groups – but cover is now better for those who have not been vaccinated
Online health account in France: six useful things you can do The improved Compte Ameli space has several helpful features, including the ability to order important health documents
Explainer: the CSS, France’s free or low cost top-up health insurance Most people in France choose to ‘top up’ their healthcare cover through a private insurance provider but a system called complémentaire santé solidaire pays for this in some cases
French top-up health insurance tariffs to rise by 4.7% this year Mutuelles say they have been affected by inflation, a rise in pay-outs and the long-term effects of the Covid pandemic
UK retirees in France report problems getting travel health insurance Some pensioners with a UK Ehic card and S1 form tell us they found it ‘impossible’ to find holiday health cover
Low income but refused free French top-up health insurance? Next steps We explain why you may no longer get the complémentaire santé solidaire (CSS) benefit and how to appeal
Pre-Brexit free health mutuelle rights lost by UK pensioners in France Non-French EU citizen pensioners in France with S1 health forms also affected by change, but not Americans and other non-EU citizens
Travel and health coverage: How do I get French equivalent of Ehic? We look into the carte européenne d'assurance maladie , who is eligible, how you can get one and how it works
Tips on how to choose a top-up health insurance policy in France Top-up insurance can add cover to existing healthcare and help you avoid unexpected bills. Here are some things to look out for
Group buys: ways to reduce home and health insurance bills in France Many local authorities have begun offering group contracts at lower prices to certain people within their remit, such as the over-60s
Does France’s ‘100% Santé’ scheme cover glasses without a mutuelle? The scheme was introduced to make eye, dental and hearing aid services more affordable
Could you save money with your French commune's health insurance? The ‘mutuelle communales’ are group top-up policies for a town - 2000 communes offer them
Will French healthcare cover medical costs for a holiday to America? Medical costs in the US can be extremely high so it is wise to check this out
Transplant patient fighting for France to pay €1m US hospital bill The 34-year-old says she received a transplant abroad only after exhausting every option in France
Transplant patient fighting for France to pay €1m US hospital bill The 34-year-old says she received a transplant abroad only after exhausting every option in France
Post-Brexit travel healthcare: What is a UK ‘CRA’ Ehic card? The UK now issues two kinds of travel health card - Ghics, or Ehics with lettering saying ‘CRA’ standing for Citizens Rights Agreement. We clarify the difference
What health insurance do I need for a long-stay French visitor visa? People applying for such visas need to show proof that they can cover any medical costs which arise while they are in the country
Complementary health insurance in France: what it is and how it works These insurance policies are designed to top up the cover provided by France’s obligatory health insurance, and the vast majority of people have one
Top-ups, eye tests, online: Eight healthcare changes in France in 2022 Several changes in healthcare are already announced for 2022. We summarise eight key points
Can I enter French healthcare system with long-term illness? There are no limitations linked to long-term conditions for entry to the French healthcare system
Healthcare in France: How to register an S1 when in French system? When someone is in the French health system by residency and so are already in the system, the changeover should be simple. We explain
What no Ehic will mean for British home owners in France British residents with second homes in France may have to look to private health insurance options if the UK and EU do not reach an agreement on the bloc’s health card.
Six-month visas for Britons to stay in France: Healthcare requirements British second-home owners and other visitors wanting to come to France for more than three months now need a visa. Healthcare cover is part of the paperwork checked
Top-up health insurance prices to rise in France, warns federation Mutuelles could increase by 7 to 10% in 2022 due to higher healthcare prices and an increasingly ageing population
French social security asks patients to help fight €3.6m eye test scam Social security in France is asking for patients' help in detecting ophthalmologist fraud. We explain how you can help through your Ameli account
France to charge foreign tourists for Covid-19 tests from tomorrow From July 7, it will cost tourists €49 for a PCR test and €29 for a rapid antigen test
How to get a Covid vaccine QR code in France - and why you may need it They will be used to as part of the EU-wide Covid travel passes and to facilitate access to large indoor events in France
French ‘top-up’ health insurance prices rising in 2021 Mutuelle providers are raising their prices by more than 4% in 2021, with one watchdog describing the price hike as 'difficult to justify'
What is changing in France in December 2020? This month it will become much easier to change health insurers, gas prices are going up, and there are some important financial deadlines.
New €18 set fee to visit A&E in France From September 2021, anyone visiting A&E in France for whatever reason will have to pay a fixed sum of €18
Britons in France can now get post-Brexit Ehic cover British state pensioners and others who have a registered S1, E121, E106 or E109 can apply now for a new UK European Health Insurance Card
French 'top-up' health insurance explained No ‘top-up’ health cover can be costly if you are unlucky. Fortunately, a new law will make it easier from next month to change policies
Macron expected to announce new Covid restrictions tonight New Covid-19 restrictions are being discussed by the Conseil de défense this morning, with a four-week national lockdown possible
Is your French Top Up health insurance up for renewal? Sponsored article: Prior to your health insurance contract in France renewing for a further year always take the time to compare prices and to look for better cover. Lawrence and Melanie, from Swiss Life agency, Bordeaux, explain...
Is my operation in a French private clinic reimbursable? We answer a reader question: Will I be reimbursed if I have an operation in a private clinic in France?
UK tourists will not have valid health insurance in France Anyone living in the UK planning to go on holiday to France from tomorrow - including people visiting second homes - will no longer be covered by private health or travel insurance unless separately negotiated, in line with the latest UK government advice on travel.
Moving forward from Covid-19: info on tourism, masks & more Learn how France is moving forward from the Coronavirus outbreak, plus news on insurance issues, tourism, masks and more.
Covid-19: Free health check for vulnerable patients €46 cost of 'assessment and vigilance' consultation will be covered by French health insurance system
Why is France refunding pills but not counselling? Why are antidepressants free but sessions with psychologists are not? A.H.
Branded medicines only reimbursed at price of generic Patients who refuse generic versions of their medication where one exists are now reimbursed less under new rules aimed at saving the state €100 million per year.
Can I keep French Carte Vitale if I move? Can I keep my Carte Vitale after moving to the UK if I rent out a French house? H.S.
Some glasses and tooth crowns are now free in France If you have been putting off getting glasses or having dental prosthetics because of the cost, the new 100 Santé scheme can help
Branded medicines now only reimbursed at generic price Patients in France who refuse generic versions of their medication will now be reimbursed less, under new rules that came into force on January 1, which are expected to save the State €100 million per year.
Good news on glasses, crowns and hearing aids .... But you should still shop around for the right cover
Can an Irish early-retiree join Puma? I am a retired Irish citizen and will be retiring to France – I’m an ‘early retiree’ so don’t have a state pension or S1 form yet. Will I be able to join the French Puma healthcare system? H.S.
UK ‘should act now on pension uprating’ Uprating the state pensions of Britons living in France for life – and not just three years – in a no-deal Brexit is in the gift of the UK government and should be guaranteed now, a Tory MP has told the British prime minister.
Make sense of… France’s Puma health system The idea behind France’s Puma system is that healthcare rights come automatically with right of residency.
Homeopathy: French MPs oppose reimbursement decision A group of 45 French MPs have written an open letter in favour of homeopathy and in opposition to the government’s decision this month to end all State reimbursement of the medicine by 2021.
Homeopathy no longer reimbursed in France from 2021 Homeopathic medicine will no longer be reimbursed by the French State from January 1 2021, the health minister has confirmed, after months of national debate on the issue.
Is cancer care free with Ehic or S1? I have been diagnosed with cancer and am hoping soon to move to France. Can I access free chemotherapy with my Ehic/S1? M.H.
Homeopathy: France should not reimburse, report says Homeopathic medicine should no longer be reimbursed by the French State, as it provides “insufficient medical service”, health authority La Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) has recommended this week.
Macron still faces a battle to fund his ageing nation The problem of an ageing population and how to fund pensions and dependency care that has bedevilled previous governments has now landed in President Macron’s lap.
French pro-homeopathy campaign launches after backlash Pro-homeopathy groups in France are mounting a defence of their products, as medical authorities debate whether the medicine should be reimbursed and some health professionals condemn the drugs.
Insurer unveils 'zero charge' services from July Change allowing clients access to 'free' glasses, dental prostheses and hearing aids comes into effect nearly two years before government's healthcare reforms make it mandatory
Steep rises for health ‘top-ups’ Top-up health insurance prices have been rising sharply this year, with some up by 5-9% – and even 34% in one case, according to consumer group UFC-Que Choisir.
Zero to pay for glasses People needing glasses will be able to get a free pair from January 2020 with costs fully covered by state healthcare and their mutuelle insurance.
French GPs call for stop to homeopathy reimbursement Doctors in France have called for homeopathic medicine to no longer be reimbursed by the state, calling homeopathy an “esoteric practice” that cannot be justified.